9 Days Tours in Nepal


 Kathmandu - Mountain Flight - Chitwan - Pokhara

Nepal has been the dreamland of the Nepal visitors for a long time because of its cultural heritage and religion. The pattern of religion gives the country a unique status in the world. Almost all the important religious sects of the world are found in Nepal, however, the majority of the population believes in Hinduism and the conglomeration of the two religions, Hinduism and Buddhism serve as a unique example of tolerance and brotherhood. Both the sects celebrate many festivals of religious significance commonly with equal enthusiasm and there is the co-existence of all the other religious, so Nepal is known as a non-stop festival's country and living cultural museum of the world. The two main cultures and religions in Nepal are Hindu and Buddhist. There are many cultural and religious centers in Nepal where you can study the Hindu or Buddhist culture. Perhaps you would like to visit a Gompa or monastery, or you could stay in a Nepali village and learn about the different castes and cultures in Nepal, such as Chettri, Newar, Sherpa or Tamang. Each caste has it's own culture, festivals and even language.

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