Nepal is a country of villages. Most of the people live in village. Village tourism has been emerged as a new concept in the Nepalese tourism industry. You would be taken to the village as a guest where you would be given the chances to know the local people, their culture by allowing them to stay on one of the house as a family member. Villages continue their daily normal works and guests enjoy participating in the village activities. As you would be staying as a family member with your host family, you can participate in all activities of their daily choirs. The friendly and hearty behaviors of the family members gives you a different experience that you have never enjoyed before. You have the chance to eat the traditional local food prepared in the neat and clean kitchen, which are delicious and are hygienic. Your accommodation is in an actual home, allowing you to feel the cross-cultural exchange in the more authentic way unlike staying at the local lodge filled with other backpackers. You will be observing the real Nepalese cultural tradition from the closest quarter and intermingle with the locals. Besides, any expenses made at that level directly contribute to the welfare of the local community, which ultimately gives you the high sense of satisfaction. Village Tours are normally conducted in Sirubari, Bandipur, Kakani, Balthali and Dhading. As a village tourism promotor we Actual Adventure is operating tour in Chepang Village, Tamang village, Ghalegaun Village, Rai village, Sherpa village, Pahari Village, Tharu Village in different parts of Nepal.
Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus.