Tourist Bus and Air Ticketing
Domestic/ international Air Ticket and Bus Ticket Service.

Moreover, we arrange all domestic flight tickets such as, flight fromKathmandu to Pokhara, Pokhara to Jomsom or Kathmandu to Lukla, ect. And also, we arrange all tourist bus tickets to all destinations in Nepal, as well as to the borders of Nepal, such as, Kathmandu to Pokhara tourist bus, Kathmandu to Chitwan bus, buses to border with Tibet and India, connecting bus and train tickets to India.
Nepal's domestic network includes some of the most remote and spectacular airstrips in the world. The approaches to these airstrips are difficult. Many are on mountain sides surrounded by high peaks. Therefore, if there are clouds or high winds, the pilot cannot land. The classic remark by one captain explains the picture perfectly: We don't fly through clouds because in Nepal the clouds have rocks in them. Domestic service in Nepal is famous for delayed or cancelled due to weather or technical problem, however since regulation of the domestic airline business, there are number of private companies operating flights whose provide better service and are far more reliable then government owned Royal Nepal Airlines.
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